
1914007363Stress can lead to anxiety.

Anxiety and stress signify the number one cause of all diseases. This state of “dis-ease” harms us on physiological, mental, and emotional levels, representing a prevalent state affecting many women worldwide. Often, I speak to women caught in cycles of stress, anxiety, and worry.

Naturally, we are stressed when there are threats to our environment, identity, and survival. This natural response alarms us to deal with the issue and supports our survival to manage, solve, and bring our nervous system back to calm or a sense of ease. This response is considered the fight-flight or fawn response to the perceived danger.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Many women cannot alleviate the stress that arises in mundane life. That stress keeps stacking up and can become gripping; over time, it grows into anxiety.

Most of the time, the danger and threat have passed, and we’re still in that stress response because we haven’t learned how to take care of our nervous system. The cost can be high sometimes. There is countless literature on how the body under long-term stress is affected.

Anxiety affects you emotionally and physically.

In most cases, physical symptoms can accompany emotions such as fear and worry. The effects of anxiety can be far-reaching and can significantly impact a woman’s life.

Chronic anxiety can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue. It can also result in agitation, nervousness in social settings, inability to be still and constantly having to do something, isolation, feeling overwhelmed by everyday life, perfectionism, and depression.

Anxiety also impacts relationships, work performance, and overall well-being and can lead to avoidance behavior, causing women to miss essential life experiences, personal growth, and opportunities.

Childhood trauma, stressful life events, and daily demands such as career and motherhood can also contribute to the stress and development of anxiety. Women in modern times often face additional stressors and expectations that can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. For example, societal pressure to conform to specific standards, such as appearance, productivity, and success, can lead to anxiety and insecurity.

1095091028Anxiety can threaten a woman’s health.

In my practice, I speak to women who tell me they will get sick even though they are healthy at the time. Intuitively, they know they’ll probably get sick if they don’t change their lives.

And I have spoken to women suffering from severe illnesses that came to me for a transformation because the sickness has shaken them to the core. They tell me they know exactly why they’re sick. They mention the years, sometimes even decades, of stress they had endured at work or in unhealthy relationships. And yet, it was super tough to break the cycle and find freedom.

Often, the underlying unconscious beliefs accompany these patterns in their lives. For example, a displaced sense of loyalty can make women forget about prioritizing and nurturing who they are in relationships and turn their focus on external causes. Beliefs of not being good enough, smart enough, capable enough, or a sense of powerlessness are silent currents underneath the stressed and anxious women with whom I talk. Lack of trust in oneself can also cause and perpetually trigger anxiety in ongoing life events.

All these patterns have taken form in your body. It’s time to set yourself free.

Coping mechanisms don’t eliminate anxiety.

Feeling anxious and stressed is far too hard always. That’s impossible for the human system, so we adopt coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety. One of the most common coping mechanisms that women deal with fear is food and alcoholic drinks. Using food as a method to relieve stress is very common.

These unhealthy behaviors provide a short-lived reduction of stress because they dull and numb the nervous system. In addition, this way of coping with anxiety is unreliable and fosters a co-dependency that fuels addiction. The more you use wine and liquor to cope with stress, the more they become your only coping strategy and the one your body needs when it feels stressed.

Other examples of unhealthy coping mechanisms are negative self-talk, criticizing yourself, avoidance, isolation, and feeling guilty. On the other hand, positive coping responses keep you in the present moment. They give you chances to actively work toward solving your problems.

Unfortunately, what worked 40 or 50 years ago no longer works. We must regularly update our bodies and minds with insights, tools, and wisdom to live free and fulfilling lives.

564039757Consider other ways of dealing with anxiety.

Fortunately, there are ways to manage and cope with anxiety symptoms. Regular exercise and physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mood. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can also be beneficial for managing anxiety. Seeking professional help to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to stress and anxiety is undeniably essential.

I help women find and address anxiety’s root causes in my practice. One of my dear clients came to me because she wanted to learn how to take care of herself better and how to un-stress from life. She had suffered from a painful back injury before seeking my help.

Something had clicked for her when she found herself at home, unable to move, exercise, and have the life she wanted. We identified most patterns that led her to take on so much. Looking back over her life, she realized those patterns stemmed from her childhood. She was determined to understand, unpack, and release the past that was weighing on her – creating stress and anxiety in her body.

Once we addressed the issue’s root, she could delegate instead of taking on responsibility beyond her capacity and accommodating her environment. She could prioritize her needs and her future equal to her family. She started taking time for herself without feeling guilty or stressed about it, and finally, her back started healing. The mind and body connection is a miraculous and mysterious phenomenon.

Let’s help you learn another way.

Understanding yourself and gaining new strategies for coping with anxiety are the most effective ways to build long-term results.

With my support, you can identify the deeper roots affecting your life and gain tools such as mind-body connection, mindfulness, and breathwork. You also will gain the wisdom to react differently to anxiety-provoking situations.

I intend to sincerely support you in this process and teach you how to design your life by intention and purpose to adopt healthy habits for the benefit of your body, heart, and nervous system in the future.

Contact me today, so we can work on helping you work on addressing the stress and anxiety you feel in your mind and body.