Women in Transition

474495670Thrive instead of survive during a time of transition.

Uncertain about how you feel and what you want out of life?

You feel overwhelmed and stressed out trying to figure out your next steps, and you struggle to process your feelings, thoughts, and emotions during these tumultuous times. Trust in yourself is compromised.

I should be able to handle this,” you say. You feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help. If they knew you struggled, you might even worry about what others might think of you. You might also not want to burden others, but it’s time to allow support and guidance, so you can embrace the change and the discomfort.

It can be very challenging when, voluntarily or by circumstance, life pushes us out of our comfort zone, and we face our fears and insecurity about handling and functioning in a new territory.

Change, cycle of Life.

Entering a committed relationship, becoming a mother, losing a job, facing a medical crisis, or divorce can bring a sudden shift that feels like losing the ground under your feet. It isn’t easy to tap into your strength and courage to pull through.

Your life’s inner and outer structure has changed, making the future uncertain. The sense of loss can feel overwhelming. You need supportive, nurturing emotional and mental support to get through it.

Sometimes, a similar need is felt when my clients transition to accepting a new job. The responsibilities and the pressure of performing feels overwhelming and stress-provoking and may trigger old beliefs of not being good enough or insecurity about your abilities and capabilities.

You need clarity and confidence to embrace the change and welcome the transformation calling you. I can help you get there.

606121190Change naturally brings up fear and shakes your sense of identity.

Some life transitions can shake you to the core and trigger old wounds. Our capacity to foresee the future gets foggy and clouded with uncertainty, and new or old insecurities may pop up. You’re not alone in this. I can support you through the discomfort of confusion and help you process the emotional pain of change.

You’ll have a partner in managing the current change in your life. From many transitions in my journey and my wealth of experience working with women, I know that change needs to be understood and processed so we can let go. Whether you view your change with anticipation or dread, the change will ripple through your life and can be both unexpected and profound.

Although hard to believe initially, gifts can come from change and transition. I have seen this countless times. As a client’s life changes, gifts of change arrive – allowing for profound life lessons and a sense of freedom not previously understood.

These are the moments where the transformation happens, when we understand, process our feelings, and let go to develop a new sense of identity more easily. It’s like looking into the rearview mirror with relief and confidence in the road ahead.

Don’t stand in the way of your growth.

Strength, perspective, and freedom are on the other side of change. We’ll explore the opportunities that come with this change. And because change can be very consuming, you might not be able to see the forest for the trees. It’s beneficial when someone can hold the bigger picture and guide you out of the dark forest.

From me, you will receive a supportive space to process your thoughts and feelings and help you build a new structure more aligned with your values and whom you’re becoming. Together, we’ll identify and develop a self-care plan to take care of your nervous system and structure your life. We’ll clarify what you want to achieve while providing you with the tools and resources to overcome any obstacles.

I will guide you to your deep knowledge and wisdom and teach you how to strengthen and develop resiliency and cope with the stress of change.

I will offer you practices, strategies, and support to identify and process your emotions, set boundaries, and create a new sense of balance and stability. I will help you set intentions, clarify what you want, and forge a new path in life.

Let’s get you back on track and loving your life again.

With my help, you will feel empowered to navigate the challenge and get honest feedback to understand your new circumstances and relationships as you embark on your new life.

When we consciously recognize and mark these passages, it empowers us to move through the future ones with more ease.

Our work together will give you the depth of insight and the power to live the life you deserve.